Virtual Training
EMDRIA Approved
EMDR Therapy Basic Training Course
Part 1: Aug 9-10, 2024
Consult: Aug 23, 2024
Part 2: Sep 27-28, 2024
Part 3: Oct 25-26, 2024
Consult: Nov 15, 2024

Enrolling a Group?

For every 20 students you enroll in the training, we offer 1 additional enrollment for free! Contact us for details.

Enrollment is Open!

Virtual Course Packages

Enrollment is limited to 100 participants

Refresher Course

- Full 3-part online course
- All 3 2-day virtual trainings
- Basic Training Community access

$ 895

  • One-Time Purchase.
  • Access to the course begins on the listed start date.
  • Access ends 365 days after the course's starting date.
  • EMDRIA approved EMDR Basic Training Course will not be completed unless Parts 1, 2 and 3, in addition to 10 hours of consultation, are completed within 12 months of beginning Part 1.
  • This course has an online component. By enrolling, you are responsible for completing that component in addition to attending your trainings.
  • Note: This package does NOT provide consultation and thus does NOT meet EMDRIA requirements. It is intended for people who have already completed the training and would like a refresher.

Full Virtual Course

Includes all EMDRIA Requirements!
- Full 3-part online course
- All 3 2-day virtual trainings
- 10 hours online consultation
- Basic Training Community access

$ 1495

  • One-Time Purchase.
  • Access to the course begins on the listed start date.
  • Access ends 365 days after the course's starting date.
  • EMDRIA approved EMDR Basic Training Course will not be completed unless Parts 1, 2 and 3, in addition to 10 hours of consultation, are completed within 12 months of beginning Part 1.
  • This course has an online component. By enrolling, you are responsible for completing that component in addition to attending your trainings and consultations.

Full Virtual Course:

A discounted enrollment for those employed by non-profits or who are still students.
Includes all EMDRIA Requirements!
- Full 3-part online course
- All 3 2-day virtual trainings
- 10 hours online consultation
- Basic Training Community access


$ 1395

  • One-Time Purchase.
  • Access to the course begins on the listed start date.
  • Access ends 365 days after the course's starting date.
  • EMDRIA approved EMDR Basic Training Course will not be completed unless Parts 1, 2 and 3, in addition to 10 hours of consultation, are completed within 12 months of beginning Part 1.
  • This course has an online component. By enrolling, you are responsible for completing that component in addition to attending your trainings and consultations.

*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Training Sessions: 8:00am - 5:00pm
(Pacific Time/Arizona Time)

Sign in 10 min before start time.
Daily schedule will be given out by the instructor

Virtual Consultations:

There are 2 time slots available on the virtual consultation dates. Participants will be responsible for registering for 1 of the 2 time slots on each date. Instructions for registration are included within the course.

Session 1: 9:00am - 11:00am (Arizona Time)
Session 2: 12:00pm - 2:00pm (Arizona Time)

Please note that for the first date (Aug 23), Arizona Time = Pacific Time.
For the second date (Nov 15), Arizona Time = Mountain Time.

There is a fee for rescheduling any missed consultations

Learn More

View the full training curriculum, participant agreement, and online course FAQs
on our Document/FAQ page.


  Attendance Requirements

In order to obtain credit for completing this course, trainees must NOT be more than 10 minutes late, and must attend the entire 2 days of training, each training session. Failure to meet these requirements will result in an incomplete, and the trainee will need to retake the course to complete the EMDR Basic Training.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be requested in writing from the email used to register and will be confirmed in writing by THE STEVE FRANKEL GROUP, LLC. Notice should be emailed to [email protected] .

Any cancellation request made by 30 DAYS before a training course's start date will receive a refund minus $150 administration fee. The training course's start date is defined as Part 1's start date for a Full Course/Refresher Course Cancellation, or Part 2's start date for a Part 2 Course Cancellation. After those dates, no refunds will be made, but you may transfer to a different training location, if space allows, for a $150 administration fee. This includes cancellations due to weather, related issues, or any other reason. NOTE: There will be no refunds, under any circumstances, for withdrawals after the beginning of the training program.

Once the training starts there are no transfers or refunds allowed. In the case of an emergency, illness, or other issue, SFG may allow the training dates to be made up, at the sole discretion of SFG for $250 per day missed. Any partial day missed will be counted toward a full day. Missing more than one day or partial day could result in immediate dismissal from the training program and forfeiture of all tuition paid.

If you choose to begin training with the online training that is considered the beginning of your training.

If you do not attend the training there will be no refunds, transfers or make-up allowed.

If you are more than 10 minutes late or leave more than 10 minutes prior to the end of the training, you may be allowed to make up the “consultation” portion of what you missed with an additional fee. A minimum of 20 minutes will be required to be purchased to make up the time.

There is no partial credit given for any portion of the training completed if you do not complete the entire training.

THE STEVE FRANKEL GROUP, LLC and TAPIA COUNSELING AND PSYCOLOGICAL SERVICES are not responsible for any damages or expenses, including travel or otherwise due to any cancellations. If we cancel the training, you will be notified and issued a refund. TAPIA COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES has the right to reschedule the training; if that happens SFG will waive the transfer fee to change to different training dates.

To submit a cancellation request, email us at [email protected] or press the button below. Within the email, include your order number, your name and if you are requesting a cancellation for one or both parts of the training course (if applicable).

Request Cancellation
Training Part 1 is Aug 9-10 from
8:00am - 5:00pm PT